Protecting Your Animals in Summer

posted: by: Mellissa Smith Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

June 21st marked the first official day of summer although we have been experiencing some very hot days leading up to the 21st.
It is very important to make sure your animals are safe from the extreme temperatures of summer. Here are some tips to keep your animals safe:
  • Never leave any animal or child in a hot car.
  • Make sure your pets have shelter, shade and unlimited fresh water when outside.
  • Try to take walks during the cooler hours of the day because the hot asphalt can burn your pets paws.
  • Pets need somewhere to cool off just like we do. Spending too much time in the sun can cause sun burn and issues for your pet so it is best to offer them a spot to cool down.
For more information on how to protect your pets from the heat of summer please call or email us: 336-375-0277 or
More information is also available at: