Holiday and Christmas Safety for Your Pets

posted: by: Mellissa Smith Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Christmas is quickly approaching and other holidays are right around the corner. This holiday season make sure your animals are safe from the cold weather, visiting family and festivities. It is almost winter and cold temperatures are here and will only be getting colder with the passing months. To make sure your pets are safe from the cold make sure: 

1. Pets are inside most of the time and only go out to potty or for a short amount of time.
2. If they are outside for a period of time make sure they have a shelter and a warm place to snuggle up, fresh water (that is not frozen) and fresh food. 

To keep your pets safe during the holidays, here are some simple things to do to ensure safety:
1. Securely place tree inside your home so it does not fall over on animals.
2. Make sure all leftovers and holiday treats are put up out of reach of your furry friend. Chocolate is dangerous for dogs. Human food and other treats could cause gastrointestinal upset. 
3. Ensure that your holiday guests know that feeding your pets human food is unacceptable. Also, when guests are entering and exiting make sure your pets do not dart out of the door.
4. Allow your pets to have a safe retreat in your home where they can escape to a calm environment with fresh food and water. 
5. Be careful with choosing holiday gifts for your pets. Switching treats and food can cause gastrointestinal upset. 

There are several other holiday safety tips and helpful information at this website: